JAKARTA - Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung's candidate admits that he will visit the previous Presidents during the 2024 Pilkada.
This was done after Pramono and Rano Karno, the prospective Deputy Governor's candidate to accompany him to the former Governor of DKI Jakarta.
"The leaders who have led this nation, including Pak SBY, Pak JK, Mrs. Mega, Mr. Boediono, because I am a person who can communicate anywhere," Pramono said when met at Mie Gacoan, Kemang, South Jakarta, Friday, September 9.
In recent days, Pramono-Rano has met two former governors of DKI Jakarta, namely Fauzi Bowo and Sutiyoso. The cagub-cawagub couple from PDIP and Hanura asked Foke and Bang Yos to share their experiences while leading Jakarta.
After that, Pramono and Rano planned to meet Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) and Anies Baswedan to share knowledge and ideas in building Jakarta.
"Those who have been scheduled, I have asked Mr. Anies for time, asking Mr. Ahok for time," said the Cabinet Secretary.
Regarding Ahok, Pramono said that the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP had been assigned by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri to help win regional head candidates from the "teng" party. That's why Ahok was not included in the structure of Pramono-Rano's winning team.
"Pak Ahok has been assigned throughout Indonesia to help directly, even Pak Ahok has brought me together with Ahokers and so on. He will certainly help, but for this winning team, he does not need to be in the team," Pramono explained.
Meanwhile, with Anies, Pramono-Rano had previously met accidentally at the Sudirman-Thamrin car free day (CFD) last week. However, Rano Karno admitted that he needed a follow-up meeting to discuss more about the Jakarta issue.
"We will ask for time, because of what? Surely Bang Anies has hope in how to continue Jakarta. He is aware that he does not have a vehicle anymore. Well, where is the idea going, right dear. That's what we need," explained Rano.
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