JAKARTA - The government, through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, continues to strive to meet the needs of medical personnel in handling COVID-19. Including the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and temporary shelter for doctors and nurses who have worked hard to treat corona patients.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio, has also coordinated with hotel chains to provide temporary housing for medical personnel.

"The hotel chain will be used as a place to stay for medical personnel and a task force, so that they are closer to the hospital that handles COVID-19," Wishnutama said at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Saturday, March 28.

For the initial stage, Kemenparekraf has collaborated with the Accor Group hotel chain in providing hotel facilities for medical personnel at RSCM, RSPAD, Friendship Hospital, and RSPI Sulianti Saroso. If this facility will be allocated for around 1,100 medical personnel.

"This room is intended to accommodate 1,100 medical personnel with a scheme of various types of rooms, and in this case the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Ministry finances the implementation costs at a price below the hotel market price," said Wishnutama.

The hotel will also follow the health standards of guest services from the Ministry of Health, such as spraying using disinfectants, using elevators, minimizing direct contact, and checking body temperature.

"The hotel must also implement special SOPs in carrying out daily tasks, both in departments that meet directly or indirectly, including the provision of food, housekeeping, laundry and so on," he continued.

Apart from the hotel industry, for travel purposes, the Ministry of Tourism's medical personnel will also collaborate with transportation service business actors. There are four transportation companies that will cooperate with them, namely, Blue Bird, Panorama, Antavaya and White Horse Group.

Wishnutama said that cooperation was not only carried out to help medical personnel, in dealing with corona, but also in order to support the hotel industry. As is known, the tourism and hospitality industry has been hit hard since the corona pandemic broke out in Indonesia.

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