JAKARTA - The KPK Supervisory Board imposed moderate ethical sanctions on the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron. There are a number of aggravating things, namely not regretting their actions so that they are not cooperative. The aggravating thing to be examined does not regret his actions. The examinee did not cooperate by delaying the trial so as to hinder the smooth running of the trial process, ” said KPK Council Member Albertina Ho while reading the verdict at the ACLC Building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Friday, September 6. In addition, Ghufron is also considered not to set an example for employees. “ However (as a examinee, red) did the opposite,” he said. Meanwhile, Ghufron was decided to violate ethics related to abuse of influence or position behind the mutation of the ASN Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) named Andi Dwi Mandasari (ADM). He is considered to have violated Article 4 paragraph 2 letter b of the Council Regulation Number 3 of 2021 which regulates the integrity of KPK personnel. As a result, he was sentenced to a 20 percent pay cut for 6 months. Ghufron used his influence as a KPK Commissioner by contacting Kasdi Subagyono as Secretary General and Acting Inspector General of the Ministry of Agriculture. He wants ADM who is an employee of the Ministry of Agriculture's Inspectorate II to be transferred to the Center for Agricultural Research and Technology Development in Malang.
ADM, who did not have a direct relationship with Ghufron, admitted that he had never asked for help. This communication with the Ministry of Agriculture was carried out in conjunction with the investigation into the alleged cattle procurement case at the Ministry of Agriculture which is being handled by the KPK which allegedly involved members of the DPR RI.

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