YOGYAKARTA The incident of tourists falling into a sinkhole in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is in the spotlight. Check out what a sinkhole is in the following review.

The unfortunate incident occurred on August 23, 2024. The victim was identified as Vijataletchhummy (48), an Indian tourist. He disappeared after falling into a eight-meter-deep sinkhole.

According to Antara, the victim fell while walking to a nearby temple in Dang Wangi, Kuala Lumpur. As of Saturday, August 31, 2024, the search had not yielded results. The local government then stopped the search process on the grounds that it was too dangerous.

Adapting the Geology Science page, sinkholes are collapsed ground caused by the inability of drainage to accommodate water or water flow is too heavy so that a hole in the range from 1 to 100 feet is formed.

Citing the USGS, a sinkhole can occur in the karst field. This field has a rock type that can be dissolved by water and is below the ground level.

When the rainwater moves down through the soil, this rock can dissolve. As a result, if the soil above is not strong, then the permuanya can collapse or collapse suddenly.

The types of rocks that can dissolve in water are limestone, carbonate rock, haram layer, and rock that can naturally dissolve groundwater. When these rocks dissolve, money and underground caves will form.

According to the Department of Environmental Protection, sinkholes can be caused by natural conditions or human activities.

In more detail, here are some of the main causes of the sinkhole:

Here are some countries that have experienced a sinkhole phenomenon:

Indonesia is a country that has experienced a sinkhole phenomenon. In mid-2022, residents of Mandalamukti Village, Bandung, West Java were shocked by the appearance of a one meter diameter hole.

The Sinkhole appears because there is erosion and drainage of underground water caused by human activity around it.

Sinkhole once suddenly appeared at a intersection near Hakata station, Fukuoka Japan. This incident occurred on November 8, 2016.

Quoted from The Guardian, at that time suddenly a sinkhole appeared in the middle of the road which initially collapsed about 7 cm. However, over time the hole got bigger so the road had to be closed.

Apart from Indonesia and Japan, a sinkhole phenomenon also occurred in China in 2013. A location near the construction of a subway in the city of Guangzhou suddenly collapsed. The hole measures about 1,000 square feet and is about 30 feet deep.

That's the information about what a sinkhole is. Hopefully the review above can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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