TARAKAN - Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Zainal Arifin Paliwang attended a coordination meeting (rakor) for the acceleration and transfer of 10 percent participants (PI) in oil and natural gas working areas (WK).

This coordination meeting discusses PI's progress in the Kaltara working area which includes WK Nunukan, WK Tarakan, WK Seimengar, and WK Tarakan Offshore as well as efforts made by the government so that the 10 percent PI can be achieved.

"Through the Coordination Meeting which is attended directly by the manager in each WK, it can accelerate the realization. For this reason, effective communication needs to be realized about the 10 percent PI," said Governor Zainal, Thursday, September 5.

"That's why we invite them (BUMD, ed) so that they can be realized immediately and if there are obstacles to communicating well, then what things we need to prepare are communicated," he continued.

According to him, Kaltara has great potential. There are many wells that will be collagated optimally here.

"Including old wells, how can we increase the production volume in Tarakan in collaboration with SKK Migas," he added.

Governor Zainal revealed that oil and natural gas are strategic natural resources and are vital commodities that control the lives of many people.

In addition, it also has an important role in the national economy so that its management must be able to optimally provide prosperity and people's welfare through a 10 percent PI obtained from work contracts for facilities that must be laughed at by BUMD or BUMD contractors.

"Hopefully in the future this 10 percent PI will be realized faster so that it can contribute to the people of Kaltara," he said.

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