YOGYAKARTA - Pope Francis chose to stay at Nunsiatur Apostolik rather than spend the night at a hotel during his visit to Indonesia. The leader of the World Catholic Church prefers to stay at the Vatican Embassy (Kedubes) known as the Apostholic Nunsiatur.

After arriving in Indonesia on Tuesday (3/9), Pope Francis was immediately escorted to the Vatican Embassy located on Jalan Merdeka Timur, Central Jakarta. So what is the Apostolic Nunsiatur chosen by Pope Francis as a place to stay while in Indonesia?

The Apostholic Nunsiatur is also known as the Holy Throne Embassy or the Vatican Embassy. This term refers to diplomatic representatives from the Vatican. Based on information from the official website of the Indonesian Apostolic Nunciature (nunciatureindonesia.org), Nunsiatura Apostolik is the representative of the Apparatus who is tasked with representing the Holy Throne of the Vatican.

In Indonesia, this Apostolic Nunsiatur is also referred to as the Vatican Holy Throne Embassy. The establishment of Apostholic Nunsiatur in Indonesia aims to strengthen communication between the Holy See as the center of the Universal Church and diocese-ocese in Indonesia, as well as local churches.

In addition, the Apostolic Nunsiatur also aims to build diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Indonesia. This relationship plays a role in supporting cooperation in advancing moral values, peace, interfaith dialogue, and religious freedom.

Quoting from Apostolic Nunciature Indonesia (nunciatureindonesia.org), the history of the Indonesian Apostolic Nunsiatur began on July 6, 1947 when Pope Pius XII appointed Archbishop de Jonghe d'Ardoye as "Delegatus Apostolic in the Indonesian Archipelago." A day later, a Pharmacy Letter was issued which officially established a Apostolic Delegation in Indonesia.

On January 4, 1950, the Holy Throne told its representative that the Vatican had recognized the Republic of Indonesia. Then on January 10, 1950, the Vatican received a request for diplomatic relations with Indonesia and announced the establishment of an Apostholic Internencies in Jakarta in the United States of Indonesia (RIS).

On December 7, 1966, the status of the Internunsiatur in Indonesia was upgraded to Nunsiatur Apostolik. On the same date, Archbishop Salvatore Rightalardo was appointed as Pro-Nunsius Apostholic for Indonesia. Since 1966, Indonesian representatives at the Vatican Holy Throne have also upgraded to become embassies.

The restoration and expansion of the Indonesian Apostholic Nunsiatur building was carried out between 2007 and 2010. On October 11, 2009, Archbishop Leopoldo Girreli inaugurated a new chapel called "Twelves of Rasuls". Since 1947 until now, there have been eight Nunsius Apostolik serving as representatives of Papal in Indonesia.

In 1989, Pope John Paul II made a visit to Indonesia from October 9 to 14. While in Jakarta, the Pope lived in Nunsiatur Apostolik. During his visit, Pope John Paul II met with bishops, government officials, religious leaders, priests, monks, and nuns, as well as visited various cultural sites.

While in Jakarta, the Pope lived in the Apostholic Nunsiatur which was then led by Archbishop Francesco Canalini. While in Indonesia the Pope also visited several other cities, including Yogyakarta, Maumere, Dili, and Medan.

Demikianlah pengusan mengenal Nunsiatur Apostolik yang menjadi tempat Paus Fransiskus menginap selama kunjungannya di Indonesia. Ada sejumlah agenda yang dilakukan oleh Paus, mulai dari pertemuan dengan Presiden Jokowi, dialog ali aliga di Masjid Istiqlal, hingga memimpin Misa Akbar di GBK. Baca juga sejarah dua Paus Vatican ke Indonesia.

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