As many as 35 members of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara) were officially inaugurated.

The inauguration and taking of the oath and appointment of the positions of members of the North Kalimantan DPRD for the 2024-2029 period were led by the Deputy Chairman of the Kaltara High Court (PT) Andreas Purwanto Setiadi.

The people's representatives resulting from the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg) who were inaugurated were dominated by a new face.

Secretary of the North Kalimantan DPRD, Muhammad Fandi, said that after 35 DPRD members were inaugurated they would follow the orientation of the DPRD briefing on September 17-21 in Jakarta.

"Members of the North Kalimantan DPRD for the 2024-2029 period, the results of the open plenary meeting on the determination of the acquisition of seats and the determination of candidates for the elected members of the Kaltara DPRD as a result of the 2024 election some time ago," he explained, Wednesday, September 4.

After the inauguration, the chairman and deputy chairman were immediately appointed.

"Based on the vote count of the results of the 2024 election, the Gerindra Party, the Golkar Party and the Democratic Party will occupy the leadership chair. However, for temporary leadership filling, the leadership seats are filled by the Gerindra Party and the Golkar Party," he said.

"The interim chairman is Jufri Budiman from the Gerindra Party of the Tarakan electoral district and the Deputy Chairperson is entrusted to Muhammad Nasir from the Golkar party of the Bulungan-Tana Tidung electoral district," continued M Fandi.

Of the total 18 political parties (political parties) that fought in the provincial level legislative elections (pileg), only ten political parties managed to bring their representatives to fill 35 seats in the Kaltara DPRD.

Namely the Gerindra Party as the winner of the most votes, with 62,776 votes or 6 seats in the North Kalimantan DPRD.

Followed by the second position, the Golkar Party with 49,223 votes (6 seats) and the Democratic Party in third place, with 48,446 votes (6 seats).

The three top positions will occupy the leadership position in the Kaltara DPRD for the period 2024-2029.

There has been a drastic change from the leadership element of the previous period (2019-2024). Where, two elements of the previous period of leadership, namely the PDI-P and the Hanura Party, had to be willing to be shifted.

The PDI-P, which previously occupied the chair as Chairman of the DPRD, according to the results of the recapitulation of votes for the 2024 General Election, took fourth place, with the acquisition of 40,802 votes (3 seats).

Likewise, the Hanura Party is in fifth position, with 38,959 votes (3 seats in the Kaltara DPRD).

Not only has the leadership element changed, the composition of the legislators of the Kaltara Provincial DPRD for the next five terms has also changed, which is quite significant.

Although there are some old faces that survive, the face of the new leguslator will dominate the Kaltara DPRD Building.

According to the recapitulation results, 22 people from 35 names of members of the 2024 Kaltara DPRD 2029 are new faces.

In the electoral district (Dapil) of Kaltara I Tarakan City, four new faces of North Kalimantan DPRD members will fill, including Adi Nata Kusuma (Golkar Party), Dino Andrian ( Hanura Party), Maslan Abdul Latif (PKB) and Komaruddin (PAN).

Likewise in Dapil II (Bulangan Regency and Tana Tidung). There are 7 new faces, including; Muhammad Nasir and Hj Aluh Berlian from the Golkar Party. Then (H. Hamka), Kornie Serliany (Hanura), Vamelia Ibrahim Ali (PAN), Alimuddin (Democrat) and Moh. Nafis (PKS).

The other three new names from the electoral district III (Malinau) include Listiani (Democrats), Agus Salim (Gerindra), and Robenson Tadem (Golkar).

Then from Dapil IV Nunukan, there were 8 new names who were elected as members of the North Kalimantan DPRD. Among others; Ladullah (PKS), H. Akbar Ali and Rahman (Gerindra), Saleh and Ruman Tumbo (Democrats), Arming (PDIP), and Rismanto (NasDem).

The following is the composition of 35 members of the DPRD for North Kalimantan Province 2024-2029, the results of the 2024 General Election:

Electoral District Kaltara I (Taran City)

1. Yancong (Gerindra Party, 5,860 votes)

2. Adi Nata Kusuma (Golkar Party, 6,163 votes)

3. H. Rakhmat Rental (PDI Perjuangan, 3,940 votes)

4. Dino Andrian ( Hanura Party, 5,576 votes)

5. Maslan Abdul Latif (PKB, 6,836 votes)

6. Jufri Budiman (Gerindra Party, 5,827 votes)

7. Muddain (Democratic Party, 5,754 votes)

8. Supaad Hadianto (NasDem Party, 4,290 votes)

9. Syamsuddin Arfah (PKS, 5,389 votes)

10. Komaruddin (PAN, 2,156 votes)

11. Muhammad Hatta (PPP. 5,590 votes)

12. Hj Siti Laela (Golkar Party, 5,449 votes)

Electoral District Kaltara II (Bulangan Regency Tana Tidung)

1. H Muhammad Nasir (Golkar Party, 7,281 votes)

2. H Hamka (PDI Perjuangan, 4,401 votes)

3. Kornie Serliany ( Hanura Party, 4,995 votes)

4. Vamelia Ibrahim (PAN, 9,984 votes)

5. Achmad Djufrie (Gerindra Party, 4,680 votes)

6. Alimuddin (Democratic Party, 3,986 votes)

7. H. Moh. Nafis (PKS, 3,535 votes)

8. Hj. Berlian Aluh (Golkar Party, 5,918 votes)

9. Herman (PKB, 2,997 votes)

Electoral District Kaltara III ( Malinau Regency)

1. Listiani (Democratic Party, 7,489 votes)

2. Agus Salim (Gerindra Party, 4,242 votes)

3. Hendri Tuwi (Democratic Party 5,594 votes)

4. Rev. Robenson Tadem (Golkar Party, 3,215 votes)

Electoral District Kaltara IV (Nunukan Regency)

1. Ladullah (PKS, 6,051 votes)

2. H. Akbar Ali (Gerindra Party, 7,481 votes)

3. Saleh (Democratic Party, 3,556 votes)

4. Arming (PDI Perjuangan, 2,881 votes)

5. Tamara Moriska ( Hanura Party, 3,524 votes)

6. Rismanto (NasDem Party, 2,772 votes)

7. Anto Bolokot (Golkar Party, 3,434 votes)

8. Muhammad Nasir (PKS, 4,812 votes)

9. Rahman (Gerindra Party, 2,960 votes)

10. Ruman Tumbo (Democratic Party, 2,938 votes)

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