KEDIRI - Methamphetamine weighing 12.6 grams was found in the sewer of Kediri prison, East Java. The discovery of methamphetamine is thought to be a mode for people who want to smuggle illegal stuff by throwing them from outside the prison.

"However, the officers' preparedness succeeded in thwarting the evil plan. Instead of arriving at their destination, the forbidden package was stuck in a ditch," said Head of Kediri Prison Security Unit (KPLP), Sastra Irawan, in a press statement, Monday, March 29.

The smuggling attempt was discovered on Saturday, March 27. While on the south side of the brandgang area, Sastra checks the open area. The area is near a public road.

"So that it is possible to throw items from outside the prison walls," said Sastra.

He found a package stuck in the pipe of the septic tank. Sastra reported the findings to the Head of Asih Widodo. "We immediately opened the package together, and it turned out that there was crystal methamphetamine weighing 12.6 grams," he said.

In addition, there are also two smartphone units and a four-meter-long yellow cable in the package. "We immediately contacted and submitted the findings to the Narcotics Investigation Unit of Kediri Police," he said.

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