Three of the four suspected fraud cases arrested at the Kelapa Gading Police are recidivist similar cases. This was conveyed by the North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan, when holding a case at the North Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday afternoon, September 3.

"3 out of 4 suspects are recidivists," Gidion briefly told reporters at the Kelapa Gading Police, North Jakarta, Tuesday, September 3.

Four suspects with the initials AS alias Duren, SA alias Dewi, RSKT alias Professor, Amirudin alias Jojon. Suspects Professor and Duren recidivist in the areas of Bali and Malang, East Java. Both were detained at the Bali Police and the East Java Regional Police.

Meanwhile, the suspect Dewi was arrested in Magelang, Central Java. He was also detained with a similar case.

"(Dewi) was detained in Magelang," he said.

The suspects were charged with Article 378 in conjunction with 372 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 5 of the Criminal Code and Article 64 of the Criminal Code.

"Because it is repeated, and the considerations are above 5 years that have been detained," he concluded.

Four syndicates of bank customers were arrested by the Kelapa Gading Police, North Jakarta. The police said that this syndicate acted across regions, Java, Sumatra and Bali.

Kelapa Gading Police Chief, Kompol Maulana Mukarom said the four perpetrators hypnotized their victims. Until finally the victim was unconscious, his property was drained by the perpetrators.

Maulana also explained that this syndicate had acted twice in the Kelapa Gading jurisdiction. Finally, said Maulana, they took action at Bank BRI Kelapa Gading, on August 16, at 13.30 WIB.

"The perpetrators are a syndicate of fraud with hypnotized mode," said Maulana, Tuesday, September 3.

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