YOGYAKARTA Serdik alias educator certificates are one of the administrative requirements for teachers who want to register Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) 2024. So, what is Serdik?

Cerdik is proof of a person's feasibility as a teacher. This certificate was issued by the Educational Personnel Education Institute (LPTK) which carries out the teacher certification program. The certificate does not have an expiration date. This means that this document is valid for life.

According to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Number 54 of 2022, the study is an official document related to the feasibility or recognition of teachers in their positions.

Article 1 of the regulation explains that the study is a formal proof given to teachers as an acknowledgment that they are professionals in their fields.

Teachers who already have a certificate have a great opportunity to get a promising job. The reason is, the certificate can be used to apply for jobs at superior schools or register for CPNS and PPPK selections.

In addition, this document is also the main requirement for obtaining teacher professional allowances (TPG) for honorary teachers and ASN teachers who meet the criteria.

The certificate of educators is only given to teachers who have met the requirements, namely participating in the Teacher Professional Education program (PPG) which is held by the verified LPTK.

PPG itself is divided into two types, namely PPG Prajabatan and PPG in Position (Daljab).

PPG Prajabatan is intended for new graduates D4/S1, while PPG Daljab is intended for teachers who are already registered in Basic Education Data (Dapodik).

Both programs have different training durations. PPG Daljab was held for 3 months with a lectureload of 12 SKS. Meanwhile, PPG Prajabatan was held for one year with a lectureload of 38 SKS.

To take part in the teacher certification program, an educator or prospective teacher is required to meet a number of criteria and follow a series of selections.

The following are the requirements for participating in PPG Daljab and PPG Prajabatan.

That's what information about what is serdik and how to get it. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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