Jambi Police arrested a suspect in promoting online gambling sites through social media (medsos).

"The suspect in the promotion of the online gambling site is an admin on Instagram social media," said Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation of the Jambi Police AKBP Taufik Nurmandia in Jambi, Monday.

The suspect in the distribution of the online gambling site is a man with the initials BW (19), a resident of Jambi City.

Taufik said that BW has made a profit from promoting an online gambling site of Rp. 18 million. This social media account has been promoting online gambling sites since 2022.

This disclosure stems from the suspicion of personnel while conducting cyber patrols suspecting an Instagram social media account promoting online gambling sites.

Personnel conducted an investigation and arrested BW as the social media admin.

"After investigators obtained two sufficient pieces of evidence, BW was named a suspect, arrested and detained at the Jambi Police Detention Center," he said.

Taufik said the suspect admitted to promoting at least 35 online gambling sites through the social media accounts he manages.

During one week of promotion of the site, BW received a fee of Rp. 150,000. From BW's statement, it is also known that the money from the promotion was used to meet his daily needs and the rest was used for his hobby of modifying the motorbike.

As a result of his actions, BW is subject to Article 45 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 with a prison sentence of 10 years and a fine of Rp. 10 billion.

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