The Attorney General's Office (AGO) confirmed that the Attorney General's instructions regarding the postponement of the legal process for regional head candidates participating in the 2024 Pilkada were not to protect the criminal acts or crimes committed by the person concerned.

"I want to emphasize, the first is that it is not intended to protect crime," said Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office Harli Siregar Monday, September 2.

He also emphasized that the postponement of the legal process was aimed at maintaining the objectivity of the ongoing democratic process.

"So that there is no black campaign, so that no one candidate becomes an issue to bring down another candidate," he said.

Harli ensured that the AGO would continue the legal process of the regional head who had problems after the election ended.

"After that (Pilkada 2024), of course the legal process will continue to be carried out and carried out," he said.

It is known that the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia ST Burhanuddin has issued the Instruction of the Attorney General (INSJA) Number 6 of 2023 concerning Optimizing the Role of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia in Supporting and Successfully Organizing Simultaneous General Elections in 2024 as an anticipatory measure to use the law as a practical political tool.

He said the INSJA was issued as a form of commitment to implementing the memorandum of the Attorney General Number 128 regarding the optimization of the intelligence role of the prosecutor's office in the implementation of Simultaneous Elections in 2024.

Burhanuddin said, in the INSJA, he emphasized to the ranks of the Adhyaksa Corps to take steps in accordance with their respective duties, functions and authorities in supporting and successful implementation of the 2024 General Election.

This, he continued, was carried out by mapping potential threats, disturbances, obstacles, and challenges (AGHT) that have the potential to cause election crimes according to the form of early detection, early prevention, and finding mitigation steps in their resolution.

Burhanuddin said he also ordered the ranks of the Special Crimes and the intelligence sector of the prosecutor's office to postpone the investigation into alleged corruption in the 2024 General Election participants.

"Delaying the examination process, both at every stage of investigation and investigation, on the handling of reports of alleged corruption crimes involving participants in election contestation since it was determined in the candidacy until the series of election events is completed," he said.

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