JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) emphasized that the provision of contraceptives for teenagers is specifically for teenagers who are married to postpone pregnancy until prospective mothers reach a mature age to contain.

"It should be emphasized that we agree on the provision of contraceptives, we only address teenagers who are married with the aim of delaying pregnancy at a young age until they are safe to undergo pregnancy," said the Head of the Reproduction Health Working Team of the Productive and Elderly Health Directorate of the Ministry of Health, Wira Hartiti, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 30.

Wira explained that further provisions regarding the technical provision of contraception for teenagers will be contained in the Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health (RPMK).

In its implementation, the provision of contraceptives will not be carried out in the school environment, but in health facilities guarded by health workers.

"So that they cannot access freely and later the implementation will also be integrated with existing programs," added Wira.

The provision of contraceptives will also be integrated with programs for other brides, including education about pregnancy planning.

"We agree that teenagers' approach, especially promotive and preventive, is also not curative and rehabilitative. So that this is indeed a means of contraception for those who are married so that they are not pregnant. So that does not mean giving to all," said Wira.

Wira emphasized that the health efforts of the school-age reproductive system and adolescents still pay attention to the cultural values and religious norms that apply in Indonesia.

Previously, the government issued Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 concerning Health as a derivative product of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health.

The PP, among others, regulates the provision of contraceptives for school-age children and adolescents.

Article 103 paragraph (1) PP states that the health efforts of the school-age reproductive system and adolescents are at least in the form of providing communication, information, and education, as well as reproductive health services.

Then, paragraph (4) states that reproductive health services for students and adolescents, consist at least of early detection of diseases or screening, treatment, rehabilitation, counseling, and provision of contraceptives.

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