JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Hendry Ch Bangun, positively welcomed the inauguration of 11 members of the Committee on Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies for the period 2024-2027. Hendry Ch Bangun is optimistic that the composition of members of the Responsibility Committee will support efforts to maintain and improve quality journalism in Indonesia. I believe they have a strong commitment to carry out their duties properly and represent all constituents, including PWI," said Hendry Ch Bangun after attending the inauguration ceremony at the Press Council Hall, Friday 30 August.

This inauguration ceremony was opened by the Chairman of the Press Council, Ninik Rahayu. In his remarks, Ninik emphasized that the process of selecting and determining members of the Digital Platform Company Responsibility Committee took place without intervention from the Press Council or other parties. "I am not involved in direct or telephone communication with prospective members," said Ninik.

The formation of this committee is an implementation of Presidential Regulation No. 32 of 2024 concerning the Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies in Realizing Quality Journalism, which was signed by President Joko Widodo on February 20, 2024.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) of the Republic of Indonesia, Hadi Tjahjanto, in his speech said that the decision process was in accordance with letter number B-165/KI.01/08/2024 from the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. "We believe the elected members are the best, and the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs is not involved in the election process," said Hadi.

Deputy Minister of Communication and Information (Wamenkominfo), Nezar Patria, who was present representing the Minister of Communication and Information, also congratulated the committee members. Hopefully they can carry out the mandate well, such as the teams of football that play compact and harmoniously," said Nezar.

The General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, who is also a member of the Publisher Right Task Force, appreciated the composition of the committee members. "The involvement of various elements in the Responsibility Committee is very positive to maintain independent and credible quality journalism," added Hendry Ch Bangun.

The Committee for Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies consists of three elements: the Press Council, experts, and the government. From the elements of the Press Council, the members who were inaugurated were Alexander Carolus Suban, Fransiskus Surdiarsis, Herik Kurniawan, Sasmito, and Dr. Suprapto. These five members are expected to uphold quality journalism standards.

From the expert element, the committee members consisted of Ambang Priyonggo, MA, Damar Juniarto, Dr. Guntur Syahputra Saragih, Indriaswati Dyah Saptaningrum, and Kristiono Setyadi. Their presence is expected to provide deep insight into issues of journalism and digital platforms.

Meanwhile, from government elements, Mediodecki Lustarini, Secretary of the Directorate General of Information and Public Communication, joined this committee. The role of Mediodexci is expected to ensure the synergy between government policies and the practice of journalism in charge.

With this diverse composition, the Committee for Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies is expected to be able to carry out its duties effectively in maintaining and improving quality journalism in Indonesia.

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