JAKARTA - PWI welcomes reconciliation for the good of the organization. The head of the PWI Regional Development Division, M. Harris Sadikin, emphasized the importance of PWI reconciliation to maintain organizational unity and stability. According to him, until now there has been no dualism in PWI, and the organization remains under the leadership of Hendry Ch Bangun who is valid in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Law and Human Rights.

The meeting between Hendry Ch Bangun and other parties claiming to be PWI administrators took place on the initiative of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Supratman Andi Agtas. The main purpose of the meeting was to avoid divisions within PWI. Harris considered that the PWI reconciliation offer was a positive step that must be supported by all parties. Hendry Ch Bangun himself has stated his readiness to carry out reconciliation for the common interest.

This PWI reconciliation is expected to be able to strengthen organizational unity, even though there are parties who have different views. Legally, the legitimate PWI management is still held by Hendry Ch Bangun, who was elected through the Bandung Congress. The decisions taken by Hendry Ch Bangun are also considered legal and in accordance with the mandate given to him.

PWI reconciliation is the best way to avoid internal conflicts. This step needs to be taken so that all parties involved in PWI can unite and work together for the progress of the organization. Despite differences of opinion, the results of the Bandung Congress cannot be changed, and Hendry Ch Bangun is still recognized as the legitimate General Chair," explained Harris Sadikin in a statement from Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Thursday, August 29.

During the PWI reconciliation process, Hendry Ch Bangun still has the authority to take the strategic steps needed for organizational progress. All administrators at the provincial level are also expected to continue to carry out their duties according to the mandate that has been given. Harris reiterated that PWI remains solid, and reconciliation is an important step to ensure that the organization is not divided.

Harris emphasized that the results of the 2024 Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) National Working Conference (Konkernas), which was held at the Aria Hotel, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, on Wednesday (21/8/2024), expressly expressed rejection of the PWI Extraordinary Congress (KLB) which was recently held in Jakarta. The KLB was declared invalid because it was initiated by parties who had been dismissed from the PWI management. The National Working Committee, which carries the theme Caring Togetherness Towards a Better PWI, was attended by the chairman and administrator of 30 PWI Provinces throughout Indonesia and officially opened by the General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun.

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