PDIP politician Pramono Anung has officially registered himself as a candidate for governor (cagub) of Jakarta at the Jakarta Regional General Election Commission (KPUD), Wednesday, August 28. Pramono ran along with candidate for deputy governor (cawagub) Rano Karno with PDIP support. One of the main points that Pramono Anung emphasized if he was elected governor of Jakarta was to realize the sustainability of development from the previous governors. He believes that Jakarta has been built from one governor to the next governor, but the development is often unsustainable. "What is not less important, in fact, Jakarta has been built from governor to governor. Unfortunately, the development is not sustainable," said Pramono Anung at the Jakarta KPUD office, Wednesday, August 28. Pramonono emphasized that he and Rano Karno are committed to continuing the development of Jakarta since the era of Sutiyoso's leadership, Fauzi Bowo, Jokowi, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, to Anies Baswedan. "We are both, if given the opportunity, will continue what is inherited from Pak Sutiyoso, Bang Foke, Pak Ahok, Pak Djarot, to Pak Anies. All we will continue and improve, because development cannot be done in pieces," said Pramono.

Furthermore, Pramono also emphasized that he understands the various problems faced by Jakarta. As cabinet secretary for two terms, he was involved in many cabinet sessions discussing problems in Jakarta. "During two periods as cabinet secretary, I understand all cabinet sessions, including discussions about LRT, MRT, congestion, and various other problems in Jakarta. I understand and make minutes of meetings, then forward them to all ministers for improvement," concluded Pramono Anung.

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