BOGOR - Bogor City Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) held a plenary meeting to take the oath / promise of members of the Bogor City Regional House of Representatives for the term of office 2024-2029, Tuesday 27 August.

As many as 50 members of the DPRD were elected to take the oath/promise together, guided by the Chairman of the Bogor District Court, Iman Luqmanul Hakim, in accordance with the provisions of the Bogor City DPRD Regulation Number 2 of 2019 concerning the Order of the Bogor City DPRD Article 40 Paragraph 1, which stated that the member of the Bogor City DPRD before holding his position said the oath/promise by being guided by the Chairman of the Bogor City District Court Class IA.

The excerpt of the oath begins with reading the decision of the Governor of West Java Number 171.3/Kep.332-Pemotda/2024 concerning the Inauguration of the Dismissal of Membership of the Bogor City DPRD for the term of office in 2019-2024 and Decree of the Governor of West Java Number 171.2/Kep.419-Pemotda/2024 concerning the Inauguration of the Appointment of Membership of the Bogor City DPRD for the term of office in 2024-2029 which was read out by the Secretary of the Bogor City DPRD, Boris Derurasman.

Also present were the Acting Mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari. In his remarks, he congratulated the inauguration of the elected council members of the Bogor City DPRD, which is actually the culmination of the entire series of the Legislative General Election (Pemilu) process.

"As representatives of the people, you have an important role in formulating important policies that will affect the lives of the people of Bogor City in various aspects. Therefore, let us all always work seriously, with dedication, and always prioritize the interests of the people of Bogor City above personal and group interests," said Hery.

Hery continued, to provide a quick response to solving people's problems at the local level, it is necessary to build effective cooperation at the regional level and support the success of the national priority agenda, especially in the implementation of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections.

"In the position of DPRD as partner of Regional Heads as stated in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Governments, relations between DPRD and Regional Heads are checks and balances. Synergy and collaboration between DPRD and Regional Heads must be carried out positively," said Hery.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019-2024 term, Atang Trisnanto, congratulated all members of the elected council of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2024-2029 term.

To the people of Bogor City, representing the leadership and members, Atang said that his party had made efforts with all its might to carry out its duties, functions, and authorities in carrying out the three main functions of the DPRD, namely the role of the legislature, budget preparation, and supervision.

"The time has passed quickly, five years has passed. For that, I represent all leaders and members to apologize profusely to the entire community, the ranks of the Bogor City Government, Forkopimda, and all elements of society for their shortcomings, mistakes, mistakes, and negligence. We are far from perfect, hopefully you can apologize," said Atang in his speech.

For information, the oath/promise was followed by 50 members of the elected council of the Bogor City DPRD for the term of 2024-2029 with details of 37 men, 13 women, namely 29 incumbents and 21 members being new faces.

After taking the oath/promise, the leadership of the Bogor City DPRD was symbolically handed over to the chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Adityawarman Adil.

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