The demonstration guarding the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, took place in chaos on Monday, August 26 night. One public transportation was burned and the Makassar State University (UNM) campus was damaged by the masses.

The demonstration, which was previously orderly under the flyover or Jalan Urip Sumoharjo flyover, then heated up when students returned to their respective campuses. They attracted attention by deliberately blocking road access, causing long traffic jams.

The joint police officers who wanted to open lanes for residents' vehicles, got resistance so that clashes were unavoidable.

In front of the Bosowa University (Unibos) campus, a public transport car that was desperate to cross the road was damaged and burned by an unknown group of people (OTK).

At the Indonesian Muslim University (UMI), the police were involved in attacking each other with a group of students. Police who tried to dismantle the road blockade were attacked with stones and responded with tear gas shots. The student resistance ended after being pushed back and into the campus.

At UNM, Jalan Andi Pangerang Pettarani, the masses were involved in attacking each other with students who had also blocked the road since the evening. Students who carried out attacks using stones, arrows, and Molotov cocktails were successfully beaten back by the furious crowd.

The crowd even managed to break into the campus and damage the facilities. Dozens of students were arrested for allegedly participating in a demonstration. They were immediately taken to the Makassar City Police Station for data collection.

Kapolrestabes Makassar Kombes Pol Mokhamad Ngajib, explained that initially the demonstration took place in an orderly manner and was completed at 18.00 WITA. However, the atmosphere changed when a group of OTK wearing all-black clothes appeared to block the road with bamboo and burn used tires.

The OTK is called the Anarko group which often infiltrates the purpose of creating riots.

"A group of Anarko who came out to replace (students), they are not protesters but want to cause chaos," he said.

Ngajib also revealed the cause of the burning of a public transport unit in the case. "It was clear that it was burned by the masses. We fired tear gas, but they had immediately set the car on fire," he explained.

The UNM rectorate participated in responding to the actions of students blocking roads that invited mass riots that damaged the campus. They will have a meeting with the leaders before making a decision.

"For the time being, we will hold leadership meetings," said UNM Deputy Chancellor III Arif Manggau.

According to the rectorate, students who demonstrated had been asked not to block the road. However, the student did not respond to the request.

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