JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR RI held a consultation meeting with the Judicial Commission (KY). At the meeting, KY called three judges of the Surabaya District Court (PN) who acquitted the defendant Gregorius Ronald Tannur, dismissed. The decision received attention from the public and the media, so that KY took quick steps by deploying a supervisory team and investigations against the three judges. "According to our considerations it was a violation of severe sanctions, so that he was sentenced to dismissal by the Honorary Council of Judges," said the Head of the Supervision and Investigation Division of KY Joko Sasmito. The three judges proposed to receive the sanctions, namely Erintuah Damanik, Mangapul, and Heru Hanindyo. Joko explained that the judges of the Surabaya District Court were proven to have violated the code of ethics. By reading out the legal facts and legal considerations related to the elements of the indictment which were read out at the trial, with those listed in the copy of the case decision Number 454/Pid.B/2024/PN.Sby. The three judges also differ in reading out the legal considerations regarding the cause of the death of victim Dini Sera Afrianti with the results of a visum et repertum, as well as the testimony of expert witness Dr. Renny Sumino from Dr Soetomo Hospital. Not only that, they also never considered, mentioned or gave an assessment of evidence in the form of CCTV in the basement parking area of Lenmarc Mall submitted by the public prosecutor in the verdict reading trial.

Previously, a judge at the Surabaya District Court, East Java, acquitted the defendant Gregorius Ronald Tannur from the indictment related to the murder of the victim Dini Sera Afriyanti. The chairman of the Panel of Judges, Erintuah Damanik, stated that the defendant was considered not legally and convincingly proven, had committed murder or persecution that caused the death of the victim.

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