The Central Jakarta Metro Police deployed more joint personnel than the previous day to secure a demonstration on Monday, August 26.

Today, 4,716 joint personnel were deployed to secure several vital objects in the Central Jakarta area.

"The security of several vital objects involves 4,716 joint personnel," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro, Monday, August 26.

The thousands of joint personnel consist of Polda Metro Jaya, Polres Metro Central Jakarta, TNI, Pemda DKI and related agencies.

Meanwhile, regarding the diversion of traffic flow in vital objects, it is situational. Traffic flow engineering will be implemented to see the development of field dynamics.

"If later around vital objects there is quite a lot of mass and escalation increases, then we will carry out traffic engineering," he said.

The police chief also appealed to his staff to always act persuasively, not to be provoked, prioritize humane negotiations and services.

It is hoped that all demonstrations, he continued, will continue to be guided by regulations according to existing legal regulations.

The police chief asked the field coordinators (corlap) and action participants to take action in a polite manner, not to provoke the masses, not to impose will, not anarchism and not damage public facilities and maintain security and order.

"Respect and respect other road users who will pass, so that action activities can run safely, orderly and conducively in accordance with our expectations," he said.

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