JAKARTA - The government's appeal regarding social distancing has not been obeyed. This is evident from the movement of the authorities which often disperse crowds and events that involve large numbers of people. They are fortunate that the imprisonment of chief ignoramuses in this country has not actually been implemented. If in Singapore, people who do not obey the rules will be jailed for one year.

The rules were enforced today, Friday, March 27th. According to Reuters, offenders can be fined ten thousand Singapore dollars or jailed for up to six months, or even both.

The Singapore government stipulates that the rule will be in effect until April 30 and can be applied to individuals or groups. This provision stands under the reform of the law (UU) related to infectious diseases.

The law, substantively explains, anyone who deliberately sits less than one meter from another person in a public place or on a chair or who stands in line less than one meter from another, is found guilty.

Singapore is known for its strict rules. There, anything like feeding birds or forgetting to flush the toilet can be rewarded with fines.

The country of the Lion itself has been praised internationally for its meticulous approach to tackling COVID-19. No kidding, Singapore has even used police investigators and security cameras to track down people who are thought to be carrying the new coronavirus.

Because the country is one of the most populous countries in the world, Singapore is aggressively calling for stricter social distancing measures. The authorities also closed several roads with bars.

In addition, the authorities also limit meetings with a maximum of ten people outside of work and school matters, as well as a ban on holding large events. However, Singapore has not closed schools. The key is in social distancing discipline.

The number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore stands at 683, with two people being confirmed dead. Singapore was one of the countries hardest hit when COVID-19 first spread from China in January.

However, contact tracing and strict quarantine measures have prevented transmission from occurring. "Singapore does not close schools, does not shut down its public health system, does not lockdown," said World Health Organization (WHO) health emergency expert Mike Ryan as he raised Singapore as an example of a country that is coping well with COVID-19.

Several countries, including Italy, Britain and New Zealand have implemented national lockdowns. However, Singapore has avoided such a move. Authorities say more drastic steps may be needed if Singapore residents do not take social distancing seriously.

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