The name of the Director of Narcotics Crime at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa, appeared in the trial of Harvey Moeis regarding the alleged corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining permit area (IUP) of PT Timah Tbk for the 2015-2022 period.

The emergence of the name of the National Police official was based on the statement of Ahmad Syahmadi as the former GM for Production of PT Timah Region Babel 2016-2020 Jan 2022-June 2023 who was presented as a witness.

It started when Chief Judge Eko Aryanto questioned the technical witnesses about his introduction to private smelter companies. Syahmadi said that at that time there was a meeting in Pangkal Pinang in 2018.

However, at that time, Syahmadi did not know the figure of Harvey Moeis. Until finally, he was invited to the Whatsapp Group.

"Then when did you finally know who the defendant was?" asked Judge Eko during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Thursday, August 22.

"From the forum for the smelters, the WA group was created," replied Syahmadi.

"Many members?" said Judge Eko.

"Approximately 25-30, I didn't remember exactly," said Syahmadi.

Judge Eko also questioned the initiator for the formation of the Whatsapp group. At that time, Syahmadi mentioned the name of Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa.

At that time, Mukti Juharsa was said to be still the head of the Kombes and served as Director of the Special Criminal Investigation of the Bangka Belitung Islands Police.

"Who's the admin?" asked Judge Eko.

"As far as I remember, Mr. Ditreskrimsus, Mr. Kombes Mukti," replied Syahmadi.

"As far as you remember how many smelters were inside?" said Judge Eko.

"Maybe around 20-22," replied Syahmadi.

Then, the Judge questioned the purpose and purpose of forming the Whatsapp group. Syahmadi also said that it was to increase the number of productions.

"What group name?" said Judge Eko.

"New smelter," said Syahmadi.

"Then, what's the point of this group?" asked Judge Eko to make sure.

"Because Your Honor, back to increase production, it takes 4 stages," said Syahmadi

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