JAKARTA - The Banda Aceh City Government has reopened the registration of Assistance for Micro Businesses (BPUM) from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, to micro business actors in Banda Aceh who were affected by COVID-19.

"This assistance is for micro merchants such as market traders, street vendors, and home industries that are affected by COVID-19 and do not have access to KUR credit," said Head of the Banda Aceh City Cooperatives, SME and Trade Service (Diskopukmdag) M Nurdin, in Banda Aceh, as reported by Antara. Between, Friday, 26 March.

M Nurdin said the assistance was channeled by the central government through the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) which had been stipulated in Government Regulation Number 23 of 2020, and was followed up by Permenkop UKM RI Number 2 of 2021 with implementation instructions Number 3 of year. 2021.

M Nurdin said that the first phase of assistance has been opened online and will be closed automatically by the application on April 30, 2021.

"Micro business actors who have received assistance in 2020 can also apply again this year," he said.

M Nurdin explained, to obtain this assistance, business actors must meet several predetermined requirements, namely being residents of Banda Aceh as evidenced by an electronic Family Card and Identity Card (KK / KTP), having a business that is in the micro category by uploading photos of places / activities effort.

Then, have a business identification number or NIB as business legality from the government which can be obtained directly through the www.oss.go.id application or can contact the Banda Aceh DPMTSP office and the local public service mall.

"Business actors do not work as members of the TNI / POLRI, ASN, BUMN / BUMD employees and are not receiving KUR financing credit and are required to have an active contact / cellphone number that can be contacted," said M Nurdin.

On this occasion, Nurdin, the micro business community in Banda Aceh who needed it, could register online via the link: bit.ly/bpumbna2021.

"Registration can be done directly via cellphone / computer, either by yourself or by family or asking for help from other parties," he said.

If you have registered, the data that has been received will then be proposed by the Banda Aceh City Government to the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia as a Prospective Recipient of Working Capital Assistance for Micro Business Actors (BPUM) from Banda Aceh.

"Business actors who receive the assistance will receive assistance of Rp. 1.2 million and during the registration process it is free or free," said M Nurdin.

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