JAKARTA - Geologist and volcanology expert Ade Edward suspects that the eruption of Mount Marapi in Agam Regency and Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) was triggered by the high intensity of rainfall that rained down on the volcanic magma kitchen. "This is the effect of the high activity of volcanic magma which has met directly with rainfall for the past few times," said Ade Edward in Padang, Antara, Wednesday, August 21. Ade said the 2.891 meter volcanic eruption above sea level (masl) was a phreatic type. This means that there is a saturated water activity in the crater area of the mountain, then meets the magma kitchen directly, triggering an eruption. Moreover, continued Ade, for the last few days the rain has continued to pour around the volcanic area. The water accumulated in the magma kitchen then released pressure on the surface. "So, this is related to the water content at the top of the volcano," he said. On that occasion, Ade said that although the status of Mount Marapi had been lowered from the alert level to alert as of July 1, 2024 by The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) does not mean there will be no more eruption threats. Therefore, he reminded the public, especially those living around the volcano, to always increase vigilance. Because, at any time the mountain could be an eruption. Based on a report from the Volcano Observation Post, Mount Marapi erupted again on Wednesday afternoon at 12.40 WIB. However, the agency did not observe the height of the ash column. The eruption was recorded on a seismogram with a maximum amplitude of 30 millimeters with a duration of about 48 seconds.
One of the recommendations issued by PVMBG is to prohibit people living around the volcano, including visitors and tourists, from entering or doing activities within a three-kilometer area from the activity center (Verbeek Luxury).

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