JAKARTA - Bahlil Lahadalia became the sole candidate for chairman (caketum) in the implementation of the Golkar Party's XI National Conference. It is certain that Bahlil will be appointed as chairman of Golkar by acclamation. The Chief Executive of Rapimnas and National Conference XI of the Golkar Party, Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) said that because there is only one caketum, it is possible that the Golkar National Conference will end tonight with the agenda of announcing the definitive general chairman for the period 2024-2029. "The National Conference agenda as agreed in the Rapimnas forum this morning will be held for two days from 20-21 August 2024," said Bamsoet during his opening remarks at the XI National Conference at JCC, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 20. The composition of the National Conference event today includes the agenda for explaining the material of the National Conference XI, followed by the ratification of the National Conference schedule, ratification of the rules for the election of the National Conference leadership, submission of the Golkar Party DPP accountability report for the 2019-2024 period which will be submitted by the Acting chairman of the Golkar Party DPP, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita. Until the determination of the nomination and election procedures for the general chairman of the formatur chairman and the formatur member of the Golkar Party DPP for the period 2024-2029. "Then the announcement of the candidate for chairman will be immediately determined. Then the delivery of the vision and mission because there is only one candidate, so hopefully tonight we will immediately wrap it up," said Bamsoet. Bamsoet assessed that the election for the general chairman was no longer held because there was only a sole candidate for chairman, namely Bahlil Lahadalia. So that if necessary, said Bamsoet, the Golkar National Conference event could be closed immediately because there was already a new definitive general chairman. If the National Conference is completed tonight, then the agenda is only left to announce and determine the composition and personnel of the Golkar Party DPP for the 2024-2029 period which is closed by the political statement of the elected chairman. "The election of the general chairman no longer exists because there is only one candidate for chairman. So hopefully tonight we can wrap everything up, and tomorrow we just have to inaugurate if possible," said the deputy chairman of the Golkar Party. The Golkar XI National Conference was attended by 1,500 participants consisting of Golkar Party officials, the Board of Trustees, the Expert Council, the Honorary Council, the Advisory Council and the Ethics Council of the Golkar Party.
There were also elements of wing organizations such as AMPG, KPPG and hasta works consisting of Soksi, Kosgoro 1957, MKGR, Al Hidayah recitation, AMPI, Women's Association of Works, and Satkar ulama. Also attended by the chairman, secretary and treasurer of the Golkar Party DPD at the provincial and city district levels.

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