Police arrested a man with the initials MAF for stabbing a knife against a male foreign national (WNA) from France named Kihli Selim.

Penusukan terjadi Jalan Raya Batu Tablet, Banjar Padang Linjong, Desa Canggu, Kecamatan Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali, pada Jumat (19/7) sekitar pukul 04.00 WITA.

"The perpetrator took a knife on the dashboard on the motorbike. Then, stabbed the victim in the back once using the right hand of the perpetrator, then the perpetrator fled driving a motorbike," said Badung Police Chief AKBP Teguh Priyo Wasono, Monday, August 19.

Initially the victim became acquainted with a woman with the initials OKA who is also a colleague of the stabbing perpetrator at


The victim and OKA had sex but this French citizen did not want to pay.

OKA reported this to the perpetrator. The perpetrator when picking up his girlfriend.

When meeting French foreigners, the victim heard this foreigner saying rudely.

The perpetrator got angry, took a knife on his motorbike and stabbed a French citizen in the back.

"The victim was hospitalized for three days at the Garba Med Kerobokan Hospital, Kuta, North Badung. The motive was because the perpetrator was hurt by his female friend, who had sex with the victim but the victim did not want to pay and eventually carried out the persecution," he added.

This incident was handled by the police until they finally arrested the perpetrator. When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted all his actions.

"The person concerned is not (a pimp) just a friend of the victim," he said.

The stabbing perpetrator was charged with Article 351 Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.

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