JAKARTA - MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo is looking for the Minister of Investment and politician Golkar, Bahlil Lahadalia during his annual session at the Parliament Complex, Friday, August 16. It is known that Bahlil is rumored to be a candidate for chairman of Golkar after Airlangga Hartarto resigned.
Bamsoet initially greeted the president, vice president, leaders of institutions and the head of political parties who were present as invited guests.
"What we respect together with the President of the Republic of Indonesia is the engineer Haji Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Prof. Kyai Haji Ma'ruf Amin," said Bamsoet in his remarks.
Also present were the 6th and 10th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla, the 11th Vice President Budiono, the wife of the 9th Vice President Hamzah Haz, the Chairperson of the DPR Puan Maharani, the Chairperson of the DPD La Nyalla Mattalitti and the chairmen of other state institutions.
Bamsoet then greeted the President-elect of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto as well as the general chairmen of political parties. At this time, Bamsoet was looking for Bahlil's whereabouts.
"What I hope is that the president-elected General Election in 2024, Mr. General TNI (Ret.) Prabowo Subianto. Is there a general chairman of the political party, Acting Chairman of the Golkar Party, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Mr. Bahlil, is there?," he said.
Apart from Prabowo and AGK, the political party leaders who attended were NasDem Chairman Surya Paloh, PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar, Democratic Chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu, PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan, and Plt Ketum PPP Mardiono.
"The members of the MPR DPR and DPD that we honor, Your Excellency the ambassadors of friendly countries, the ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, the TNI Commander and the National Police Chief, the press personnel of print media and electronic media," said Bamsoet.
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