JAKARTA - China will monitor people and goods entering the country prevent monkeypox for the next six months. This move was taken by China following WHO's statement that monkeypox is a global health emergency. This was stated by China's customs administration as reported by Reuters on Friday, August 16. "Personnel from countries with monkeypox outbreaks that have been in contact with monkeypox cases or show symptoms... must take the initiative to declare themselves to Customs and Excise," he said. Vehicles, containers, and items from areas with smallpox cases must be cleaned, the statement added. The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday declared smallpox a global public health emergency for the second time in two years, following an outbreak of viral infections in the Democratic Republic of Congo that has spread to neighboring countries. China's National Health Commission last year announced that the Mpox would be managed as an infectious disease Category B, allowing officials to take emergency measures such as limiting gatherings, suspending jobs and schools, or closing areas where a disease outbreak exists.
Communicable diseases in category B currently include COVID-19, AIDS, and SARS. Smallpox can spread through close contact. Usually mild, fatal in rare cases. This causes flu-like symptoms and lesions containing pus in the body.

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