The West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office revealed that there were two DPRD members who were former and re-elected for the 2024-2029 period, who were suspects in the alleged corruption case in the distribution of people's business loans (KUR) to Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in 2021-2022. Spokesperson for the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Efrien Saputera, said the two suspects had the initials M and MS. "This M was once a member of the council in Central Lombok. For now, MS has been re-elected, a new and old candidate," said Efrien in a written statement received in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, August 15. Regarding the role of both of them in this case as offtakers or suppliers of the needs of the psnang program. Regarding the business being developed, Efrien admitted that he had not been able to reveal this to the public. "The role? We are still investigating, that's the investigation strategy," he said. MS and M became suspects along with MSZ and DR. The determination was carried out on Monday, August 12. Efrien ensured that investigators had found at least two pieces of evidence in determining the four suspects. "Essentially, together, there is a PMH (against the law), there are statements from witnesses, experts, the results of coordination with BPKP and internal audits," he said. Assistant for Special Crimes (Aspidsus) of the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Elly Rahmawati, previously revealed two suspects, the first being the main officials in two branches of work at the NTB BSI area. Both have the initials SE and WKI. "So, from the two investigations we carried out, the role of SE was the main official in one branch, and this WKI was from another branch. They are suspected of abusing their authority in the distribution of KUR funds," said Elly. Although he was reluctant to convey in full the two branches of BSI's work that were included in the prosecutor's investigation, Elly ensured that the alleged corruption was related to the distribution of KUR funds to farmer groups that produce porang and cattle in the NTB area. "Anyway, there are irregularities, some are fictitious, some are not, they are related (KUR funds) to cows and porang," he said. Elly said that in determining the suspect, investigators had found indications of unlawful acts and potential state financial losses. "For distribution in Mataram, there was a loss of Rp. 8.3 billion. The other branch, an indication of a loss of Rp. 13 billion. Just to be sure, wait for the results of the BPKP," he said. To strengthen the value of the loss, Elly said that his party had collaborated with the NTB Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).
"Because the articles that we suspect against the two suspects are related to articles 2 and 3 of the corruption law, so we must fulfill the elements of state financial losses by coordinating and intensively providing data to BPKP auditors," he said.

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