JAKARTA - The police revealed and arrested the perpetrators of telephone mode fraud asking for help. In this case, the victim suffered a loss of Rp1.1 billion. "The arrest of the suspect in the case/suspected criminal act of fraud through electronic media (online fraud)," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to VOI, Thursday, August 15. This fraudulent act began when the suspect with the identity of Achmad Teguh Winarno contacted the victim by telephone. He claimed to be the son of the victim's colleague. In that communication, the suspect admitted that his father had a problem. So he asked the victim for help. In fact, the suspect promised to give a house and shop to the victim if he could help him. "Because he believed, the victim sent approximately Rp1.1 billion in cash," he said. The victim's belief was because the suspect had mentioned that if he did not get help, his father would end his life. It's just that, that good intention brought disaster. Because, everything promised never happened. "Until in July 2024, when the victim wanted to confirm the house and shop promised by the suspect, and it turned out to be non-existent or fictitious," he said. So, the victim who is said to have continued to report the incident to Polda Metro Jaya. On the basis of the report, the suspect Achmad Teguh Winarno was arrested on August 13.

"The suspect was arrested in the youth statue area of the South Sulawesi Parepare. Currently, the suspect is being held at the Polda Metro Jaya Detention Center for further investigation," said Ade. In this case, the suspect is suspected of being under Article 28 paragraph 1 in conjunction with 45A paragraph 1 and or Article 29 in conjunction with Article 45B of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions and or Article 378 of the Criminal Code.

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