The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) will convey the progress of the death case of Afif Maulana (13), a student in Padang City, West Sumatra who was allegedly abused by police officers, to President Jokowi. "If in two months or until August there is none, of course we will report it to a higher level," said KPAI Commissioner Diyah Puspitarini, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 9. He said this after the implementation of an exhumation of Afif Maulana's body by the Indonesian Forensic and Medical Doctors Association (PDFMI) for the purposes of re-autopsy. "What is clear is that this attention will reach the President," he said. Confirmation of the attention of the case to the head of state was motivated by strong allegations of KPAI regarding the existence of elements of violation of the law on child protection by the police. "We see this there is a violation of the law on child protection," he said. He saw this referring to Article 76 c Junto 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. If it is proven legally and convincingly, KPAI urges perpetrators not only to be tried in code of ethics but also criminal proceedings. On that occasion, Diyah emphasized that the completion or disclosure of the case of Afif Maulana's death must be fast and transparent. This refers to article 59 a which essentially states that the child's special protection process must be fast.

"Meanwhile, this case has been long-winded. Two months since the report, the witnesses have not been thoroughly examined," he said. PDFMI has collected 19 samples from Afif Maulana's body (13) for the purpose of a re-autopsy. The sample consists of three hard tissues in the form of bones and 16 soft tissue samples. All of these samples will be further processed at the FKUI RSCM, Puslabfor Police Headquarters and Airlangga University Forensic Laboratory.

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