Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto admitted that he received reports that certain parties were trying to thwart Anies from running for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.
This was revealed by Hasto when responding to PKS's attitude, which now opens up opportunities to join the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Plus and supports Ridwan Kamil as a candidate for governor of the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada DKI.
"If we receive a report, there are indeed efforts to block Anies Baswedan's candidacy. Anyone who is by a process that should be democratic, but when there are efforts to block certain candidates, our democratic life is not healthy," said Hasto. met at the National Gallery, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 8th.
Hasto emphasized that efforts to prevent anyone from advancing in political contestation were against the principles of democracy. PDIP, he continued, will oversee so that the Pilkada contestation can take place in a healthy manner and there is no form of resistance to anyone.
"Every child of the nation, by the constitution, has the constitutional right to be nominated. That's what we hope for, so that we must fight for the life of democracy together," said Hasto.
Moreover, Hasto sees that public support still has a big impact on the nomination of regional heads. Political parties, according to him, will definitely consider these aspirations.
"The important thing is the support of the people and the support of the undercurrent. The most powerful force is unity and the people. So that every leader who gets shamanization from the people doesn't have to worry about not getting a political ticket," he explained.
The discourse of KIM Plus was first raised by the Daily Chair of Gerindra, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, who stated that parties that have different supports in the 2024 presidential election, will join KIM in regional elections, including Jakarta.
Former Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil (RK) is confirmed to run in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada under KIM Plus. RK will be declared a candidate for governor (cagub) Jakarta in the near future.
Nasdem, PKS, and PKB also have the opportunity to join KIM Plus. Nasdem still seems doubtful in supporting Anies Baswedan and has yet to provide an official recommendation letter to Anies to run for the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
Meanwhile, PKB support for Anies is still at the DPW level of Jakarta Province. The PKB DPP has not yet provided an official recommendation to Anies and has even recently considered joining KIM Plus.
PKS has officially supported Anies Baswedan, but was immediately duetted with PKS cadre Sohibul Iman. However, the Jakarta gubernatorial election could be one of the PKS bargainings that had asked to join the upcoming Prabowo-Gibran government.
This means that PKS can join the Prabowo-Gibran government on condition that it supports the cagub-cawagub pair promoted by KIM in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
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