MEDAN - The mangosteen grenade was found in Neighborhood 12, Durian Village, East Medan District, Medan. The location of the grenade is still outlined by the police.

Head of Environment for 12 Kelurahan Durian, Sri Mainarsih, said that the children found the grenade in a ditch.

"At first the children were digging the ditches (gutters), looking for guli (marbles), then there were the objects (grenades). The kids didn't understand what it was," said Sri, Wednesday, March 24.

According to Sri, the children who found the grenade played with it. "When they were held, the children said it was big marbles," he explained.

When it was discovered that the object was a grenade, residents immediately contacted the police. After that, the location of the grenade discovery was given a police line.

The mangosteen grenade that was found was already rusted. This grenade is placed between the flower pots. The plan is for the grenades to be secured by Gegana's team.

Discovery of grenades in Medan (Malo / VOI)

Meanwhile, Danramil O2 / MT, Captain B Sembiring said the grenade found was 20 years old. It is estimated that the grenade is still active.

"If we look at the shape of the grenade, it is a type of mangosteen made in Korea which is estimated to be 20 years old. If we look at its condition, it seems that it is still active, because the hook ring has not been released yet is still intact, just because it is old, wrapped in rust," said Sembiring.

Currently, officers are still on guard at the location where the grenade was found until the North Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade Gegana Team arrives to evacuate it.

"We, the Muspika element, continue to guard this location until the Brimob Gegana team comes to evacuate these items," he said.

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