PekanbarU - Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Riau Province has tightened supervision of nightclubs (THM) after an incident that resulted in the loss of a person's soul. Some of them were like fights in Boys Bistro that caused one person to die. Then the incident of a student who hit a middle-aged woman to death after she was from Sago KTV. Head of Pekanbaru City Satpol PP, Zulfahmi Adrian, said that his party had held a meeting related to this matter. A number of THM managers also attended the meeting. "The City Government, Satpol PP, the one-door integrated service investment office, the tourism office, and the Pekanbaru Resort Police have held a meeting which is also attended by all THM managers to anticipate and prevent similar cases from recurring," he said in Pekanbaru, Antara, Wednesday, August 7. In this meeting, Zulfahmi said, THM had been reminded to maintain security and order. Then also monitor the circulation and use of drugs in their respective places. THM business actors are asked to prepare personnel assigned to assess people who leave THM. If there are THM visitors in abnormal conditions or their awareness decreases, they should be ordered for online transportation. "So that the THM visitor does not drive his own vehicle. So that, he does not harm other people like what happened yesterday," he explained.
He said that currently the THM Boys Bistro on Jalan Kuantan is still allowed to operate. Meanwhile, Sago KTV on Jalan Sudirman is still being processed by the police.

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