JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Rhamdani changed his confession about the figure with the initials T who was once referred to as controlling online gambling or the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in Indonesia.

Now, Benny said he did not know who T really was.

The change in the confession of the Head of BP2MI occurred while undergoing clarification at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, Monday, August 5. Benny corrected his statement about the source of information regarding the figure of T.

Benny told investigators that information about the initials T, who was said to be the controller of online gambling or TIP, was obtained from the chairman of the BP2MI in the Serang area who had died.

In fact, previously Benny said that information on the figure of T was obtained from two people who were illegally employed in Cambodia.

"In the beginning, yesterday on May 23, it was conveyed from one of the victims or migrant workers who were from Cambodia, now the information is being collected from Joko Purwanto's brother, who happened to be the Head of BP2MI from Serang and is currently dead," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro to reporters, Monday, August 5.

Not only that, in the examination which lasted approximately 8 hours starting from 12.12 WIB to 20.17 WIB, Benny also admitted that he did not know who T really was.

Instead, the Head of BP2MI told investigators that it was not his job to reveal who the T really was.

In fact, when investigated, Benny did not have any evidence. It is only said again if the information is obtained from someone who has died.

"Then, we asked about the initials T. The person concerned could not answer who it was Mister T, then the person concerned only conveyed information that hopefully it could be revealed by the Police who initials T, that's all," he said.

"There is no evidence, even the initials T cannot be mentioned by the person concerned," continued Djuhandhani.

In fact, in front of investigators, Benny also changed his statement regarding the delivery of T- figure information in front of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo during a limited or flat meeting.

Now, the Head of BP2MI said that if it was not straightforward, he would mention the initials in front of state officials.

"He said no, he said it was not conveyed straightforwardly who it was Mister T," said Djuhandhani.

Benny Rhamdani's statement was very significant. Because, when referring to his statement, the Head of BP2MI had bluntly mentioned the figure with the initials T as the controller of the online gambling business in Indonesia.

In fact, the figure of T is also the mastermind behind the crime of scamming or online fraud based in Cambodia.

"Actually, it is very easy to catch who is the actor behind the online gambling business in Cambodia, and who is the actor behind the scamming online. I just need to mention the initials 'T'," said Benny

In fact, Benny also said that the figure of T was never touched by the law in Indonesia even though his identity was known.

"The president was shocked, the National Police Chief was shocked, a bit quite excited at the limited meeting at that time. This person is a person who during this republic's existence may not be touched by law," said Benny.

Returning to Djuhandhani, regarding the investigation process will be stopped after the change in Benny's testimony, it is said that it cannot be ascertained for now. This is because investigators will coordinate first.

"We'll see later, we'll have further information whether we will also conduct this, we will analyze it together, but what is clear from the source alone can't say who T is," said Djuhandhani.

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