JAKARTA - Chosen as 'World Most Romantic Destination 2020' in the grand final of the World Travel Award, it is undeniable that Seychelles deserves to be on your list of holiday destinations.

What's more, it could become the first country in the world to achieve herd immunity, thanks to vaccine donations from India and the United Arab Emirates. So, you can open yourself up to tourists.

Starting March 25, this island nation will be open to all travelers, except those from South Africa. Good news, because this country is very dependent on the tourism sector.

Until now, new arrivals must be quarantined at the designated hotel upon arrival, but this will not be necessary after March 25th.

Seychelles. (Wikimedia Commons / dronepicr)

Visitors must book accommodation at one of 700 certified attractions, a list of which will be released soon. As long as this accommodation is booked, there are no restrictions and travel to 115 islands is allowed.

Launch of the COVID-19 vaccine began in January and by the end of February 44 percent of Seychellois had received both doses. By mid-March that is expected to reach 70 percent, the proportion of the population needed to achieve herd immunity.

50,000 doses of China Sinopharm vaccine were donated by the United Arab Emirates. This then doubled when India donated 50,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine. The two countries have close trade and cultural relations with the Seychelles.

Sauzier Waterfall. (Instagram / Visit Seychelles)

Meanwhile, the Seychelles Government buys 40,000 doses of vaccine alone to ensure they have enough vaccine to vaccinate their entire population.

"The vaccination campaign is quite successful. The government has done everything in its power to ensure that the population is protected. We have now come to a point where opening our borders further is the next step to enable our economic recovery," said Seychelles Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tourism Sylvestre Radegonde, launches Euronews.

"The actions announced reflect broadly the recommendations of our tourism partners. They have been carried out in full consultation and support from our health authorities," he continued.

Along with elderly and frontline health workers, some workers in the tourism industry were among the first to receive the injection, in a country where 15 percent of the workforce is directly employed in the sector.

Seychelles. (@ laura_katharina / Instagram / @ visit Seychelles)

Vaccination programs are increasingly trusted and accepted by society, after political and religious leaders receive vaccines, to allay anxiety and misinformation.

Despite having herd immunity, there are still travel requirements that tourists must follow. Visitors are required to present a negative PCR test that was taken 72 hours before departure.

Health protocols must also be considered, such as wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance while in public places. However, the mandatory week-long quarantine at the hotel has been lifted. Visitors can also access public facilities and the hotel bar.

The Seychelles are performing well in preventing and overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to countries in Europe and America. The country has only 2,849 infections with 11 deaths. The first two cases in the country are believed to have been imported from Italy.

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