BULELENG - Residents in Banjar Dinas Gunung Sari, Tegalinggah Village, Buleleng Regency, Bali, found a stone sarcophagus of a historical relic.

The sarcophagus found was 1,080 meters long. Its depth measures 0.458 meters and has a diameter of 0.189 meters. The thickness of the right side of this sarcophagus is 0.181 meters and the left side is 0.189 meters.

"The residents found it one month ago, only the report was only a week ago. Now, it is still in front of the residents' houses, because it has been moved", said Head of History and Cultural Heritage of the Culture Office of Buleleng Regency, Bali, Gede Angga Prasaja when contacted Tuesday, March 23.

This sarcophagus was discovered when one of the residents was digging the land for the Pelinggih foundation.

"We have reports from the public that there is a sarcophagus. And after that we report it to the Head of Culture and we check there and it does exist", he added.

Sarcophagus in Buleleng Bali (IST)

Angga said that sarcophagi had been found several times in the area. About three months ago, two sarcophagi were also found but they were damaged or incomplete and there were bones.

"Indeed, there are some sarcophagi that were found for a long time. Only in a damaged condition. (Residents) do not know and just throw them away by the community", said Angga.

Sarcophagus in Buleleng Bali (IST)

"In my opinion, the coffin. The two previously found had bones in them. Only the bones had been removed because people were afraid of what bones. Their statement said it was like that", he said.

However, the sarcophagus that was recently found still looks intact. In essence, research will be carried out.

In the area, there is also a cave that is suspected of having a sarcophagus. However, his party has not been able to check it because it is constrained by the steep terrain, including the river.

"We are sending a letter to the archaeological center and cultural heritage agency. "Later, the archeology office will check the location to determine whether it is a sarcophagus or not", he said.

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