JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion's Halal Product Guarantee Administration Agency (BPJPH) revoked the halal certificate for Okko Bread products, because a number of violations of regulations were found regarding Halal Product Guarantee (JPH).
"For violations committed by PT ARF as the producer of Okko bread, BPJPH has given administrative sanctions in the form of revocation of the halal certificate with the number ID00210006483580623 starting August 1, 2024," said Head of BPJPH Aqil Irham as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 1.
Aqil said that since the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) released findings of the use of hazardous materials in the form of Sodium Dehidroacetat on Okko bread products, the Ministry of Religion immediately assigned a team to carry out field surveillance, asked for confirmation from the LPPOM Halal Examining Agency (LPH), and coordinated with BPOM.
The results of the examination showed that PT ARF had submitted halal certification through Sihalal on June 27, 2023, in accordance with applicable regulations.
At that time Okko bread used calcium propionate preservatives according to the list of materials reported by PT ARF at the time of submitting halal certification in Sihalal.
In addition, no sodium dehydroacetat material was found during the halal auditor examining materials and production.
Through supervision of the production facility or factory of PT ARF, BPJPH found discrepancies in the production process regarding the implementation of the Halal Product Guarantee System relating to the criteria for commitment and responsibility, the use of materials, the process of halal products, products, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
BPJPH also found the inclusion of halal labels in the Baki Bun Rasa Kopi Susu product which was not registered as a product variant in the halal certificate number ID00210006483580623.
"From the results of the supervision findings to the production facility of PT ARF, there were findings of violations of the provisions of Government Regulation Number: 39 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Guarantee Sector Article 65, Article 84, and Article 87," said Aqil.
"As stipulated in PP Number: 39 of 2021 article 149, business actors are subject to administrative sanctions in the form of revocation of halal certificates, and withdrawal of goods from circulation," Aqil added.
The case, said Aqil, proves the importance of awareness, commitment, and responsibility of business actors in fulfilling the established SJPH criteria.
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