JAKARTA - Plt. Head of the IKN Authority/Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the quality of drinking water prepared to support the activities of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day ceremony in the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) is better than bottled drinking water (AMDK).

Basuki explained that he had tested drinking water consumption from the Sepaku Drinking Water Processing Installation (IPA) at IKN, East Kalimantan (Kaltim) on 20 July.

"So the quality of water as a result of IPA is standard, even God willing, it is better than bottled water," Basuki said at a press conference at the Jakarta State Secretariat Ministry Building, Thursday, August 1, which was confiscated by Antara.

Basuki explained that the supply of drinking water had flowed to the State Secretariat, including at the Presidential Palace and Garuda Palace.

Water supply in IKN, said Basuki, has been prepared through a test to drain drinking water from the Sepaku intake, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, to a reservoir at IKN which is 16 kilometers away, then 22 kilometers to be distributed to the Persills of the Coordinating Ministry Office 1-4.

He will also ask Sucofindo to retest the drinking water consumed directly from the parcels to ensure the water quality does not change from the IPA.

"Every parcel has to be tested for drinking water, or the quality of the water, it may change from IPA to parcels. Later, maybe on 10-11 (August) later I will ask Sucofindo to check," he said.

Basuki emphasized that the need for drinking water at IKN was ready at the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence Ceremony.

In a video released by the Ministry of PUPR, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono appears to have tested the drinking water directly by taking the water directly from the tap of the water using a glass, then the Minister of PUPR immediately drank the water.

The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) reports that the clean water supply that has been available in the IKN area has the quality that is safe for people to consume directly from the tap.

The water supply is not only clean, but is also managed using a portable water management system, so that the resulting water is safe for immediate consumption by the community.

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