JAKARTA - The Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko heard the remarks from the Indonesian diaspora or citizens living in the United States in the KSP Listening program.

Opening this meeting, he explained that the KSP Hearing program was to listen to problems or complaints from the public and to open the widest possible communication space for the community. Moeldoko also explained the role of KSP in the current administration of President Jokowi, especially in managing strategic issues and guarding national priority programs.

One example of the achievement of the agrarian reform program. Moeldoko revealed that agrarian reform emphasizes three points, namely land redistribution, social forestry and acceleration of certification. Prior to the Jokowi administration, the target for land certification reached 500 thousand plots per year.

Then the target is increased to date to 9 million fields per year to pursue 140 million fields that need to be certified.

After explaining this program, Moeldoko then invited the participants of this program. One of them was a question from Midiyanto, an art activist from Wonogiri who lives in Berkeley. Midiyanto, who represents a traditional artist in a remote village, explained how difficult it is to make a living in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, he said, traditional art workers want the Government to provide space for virtual performances.

Responding to Midiyanto's statement, Moeldoko emphasized that the issue of art workers had been discussed several times in the Cabinet Meeting chaired by President Jokowi. He also realized that the existence of social assistance for art workers was not fully evenly distributed.

"For that, we will immediately take action. "We will convey it to the relevant Ministries / Institutions so that art workers can hold a virtual stage," he said as quoted from his written statement, Tuesday, March 23.

Furthermore, Moeldoko also had time to answer questions from the participants of this program regarding the cancellation of Indonesian badminton athletes from competing in the All England event.

In this regard, the former TNI commander stated that he had given direction and had sent the entire Indonesian badminton team home. Moeldoko regretted that this could happen, because it was related to the pride of a country.

"Things like this will be evaluated by the Government. Do not let it happen again," he said.

The KSP Hearing activity was attended by 100 diaspora participants from various regions in the United States with various professions attending the online meeting of the Situation Room of the Bina Graha Jakarta Building. In this activity, Moeldoko was accompanied by Deputy IV KSP Juri Ardiantoro and several KSP experts.

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