JAKARTA - Former Secretary General (Secretary General) of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Lukman Edy said PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin was not transparent in managing party finances.

This was conveyed by Lukman when summoned by the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board to explore the issue of disharmony between PKB and PBNU.

"I say, to be honest, I say that the most substantial thing within the PKB is financial governance that is not transparent and not accountable. Faction finance, election funds, legislative funds, presidential election funds, until now the regional election funds are not transparent and not accountable," said Lukman at the PBNU Office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 31.

This intransparency, according to Lukman, can be seen from Cak Imin's attitude in not announcing accountability reports for PKB financial governance in official forums such as Congress and others.

"Never audited has never been accounted for to constituents, has never been accounted for to responsible forums such as congresses or meetings and so on. There has never been such discussion," he explained.

Lukman continued, the PKB management led by Cak Imin seemed to consider party financial governance to be confidential and closed. In fact, the income and financial use of the party should be accounted for to the constituents.

"In the past, political parties were what they are. Now, resources are a lot big and that's because it belongs to the public, so it must also be reported to the public," he said.

On that occasion, Lukman Edy also explained one of the triggers for disharmony between PKB and PBNU. Cak Imin, according to him, has removed the authority of the Shura Council which contains NU kiai in making party decisions.

The removal of the Syuro Council's authority occurred when PKB held a congress in Bali in 2019. At that time, Cak Imin returned to his position as chairman of the party for further management.

"In the past, the mandatory of the PKB Congress was the Shura Council. It was the Shura Council that gave approval if it wanted to raise the chairman, the A, B, or C. But since the congress in Bali, most of the Syuro Council's authority has been removed within the AD/ART. So, we don't see the role of the syuro council anymore," explained Lukman.

From this condition, Lukman considered it natural if there was an assumption that Cak Imin was authoritarian in managing the party. Because, according to him, PKB from the womb of NU cannot let go of the role of the scholars.

"We know that PKB is the spirit of the ulama. The structure of the PKB is in the kiai. The history of the formation of the PKB is history formed by PBNU, formed by kiayi. Team Lima consists of kiayi. So, the spirit of the PKB is the kiayi," he concluded.

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