JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held a surprise inspection (sidak) on two campuses in Central Java and a number of offices at the Ministry of Education and Culture. This step was taken after a complaint related to allegations of corruption and manipulation of the selection process for new students.

"This inspection aims to provide a shock effect to the public service providers' agencies/work units as a step to improve in the future," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron to reporters quoted on Wednesday, July 31.

Ghufron said this inspection was carried out at the Education Testing Management Center (BP3), the Standard Agency for Curriculum and Education Assesmen (BSKAP) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and two universities. However, he did not specify the name of the campus.

"This activity is motivated by the fact that there are still complaints of alleged corruption in the selection of new students' admissions and the large amount of news related to the manipulation of new student admissions which is quite concerning," he said.

Later, the data obtained by the anti-corruption commission will be analyzed. "And the improvement steps will be discussed together with the Ministry of Education and Culture," said Ghufron.

In addition, it is also possible to take action if a criminal act of corruption is found. "KPK and the Minister of Education and Culture have agreed to make this inspection activity a momentum for improvement in the education sector," he said.

Ghufron said that the education sector should be a concern for all parties. This is because its function is strategic to build human resources for a nation.

"We, through an educational approach, are also intensely carrying out various socialization efforts, campaigns as well as anti-corruption education curriculum participation and strengthening campus integrity," he concluded.

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