JABAR - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Java (Jabar) has asked for education, including from parents, regarding sweet drinks in anticipation of the alleged increase in dialysis for pediatric patients (hemodialysis).
Acting Governor of West Java Beyxi Machmudin said that his party felt the need to ask the Health Office (Dinkes) to inform regarding awareness of this case, although until now the West Java Provincial Government is still waiting for real reports in the field.
"The data is not yet available, in West Java it was submitted to the Health Office, regarding the treatment, but preventive measures are much more important. Actually, there are stages before dialysis that we can do. First, educate the public about the dangers of sweet drinks. Second, ask all health centers to immediately check blood sugar," said Bey in a voice statement in Bandung, Tuesday, July 30, confiscated by Antara.
In addition to asking the Health Office and the participation of parents to take preventive steps, Bey also admitted that he had coordinated with various health facilities to address this matter.
"It's dialysis, that means it's stage 4. There are stages that we should be able to anticipate, and we will coordinate with all puskesmas through the Head of the Health Service to coordinate. So there must be checks and education to the public that children should not be easily bought for sweet drinks," said Bey.
He also reminded that it is not easy to provide drinks that are sold freely, especially those that taste sweet, because the most healthy is to regularly consume water.
"Don't buy it too often. Sugar is very high," he said.
Meanwhile, based on the information gathered, the Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, emphasized that there was no increase in cases of children experiencing kidney failure which required dialysis at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM).
This was conveyed by Piprim to straighten out misunderstandings regarding the health condition of children at the RSCM.
Piprim explained that RSCM has a special analysis of units for children, which is the reason why the unit is filled with pediatric patients with terminal kidney disorders.
"In the RSCM there is a special analysis of children while in other hospitals it is not yet available, therefore in the special unit it contains children who have terminal kidney problems," he said.
Furthermore, Piprim explained several factors that can cause children to undergo dialysis, one of the main causes of kidney congenital disorders.
In addition, nephrotic syndrome, which interferes with kidney function, and nefritic lupus, can also make children need dialysis procedures.
This statement is expected to provide a clearer understanding of the situation of pediatric patients with kidney disorders at the RSCM and ensure that there are no baseless concerns in the community.
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