JAKARTA - The DPR is trying to present the newly completed Indonesian face to the delegation of the 2nd Indonesian Session- Pacific Parliamentary Partnership (IPPP). Starting from typical Papuan coffee dishes, to field trips to Kebon Raya Bogor.

At the meeting location held at Fairmont Jakarta, the DPR presented the nuances of Papua as decoration. As is known, some Pacific Islands countries, IPPP members, share with the Papuan people as Melanesia clumps.

In addition to displaying various Papuan MSME products such as sago food products and bags made of bark, there is a booth serving Papuan coffee with the Tangma Coffee brand. Tangma coffee beans are grown directly by farmers from Papua, which is then sold in a cooperative system, both to consumers and industry players.

"Wow, this is great," said one of the delegates on the sidelines of the 2nd IPPP Session while tasting Tangma Coffee.

According to Tangma Coffee business owner Bobby Alatas, he started his business because his wife was from Papua. When he tried local coffee, it turned out to be very good. He also took the initiative to invite local residents to work together to grow coffee beans by conducting coaching with the local government.

Many people's agriculture is not well-organized, the knowledge is lacking. My friends and I provide counseling and training in collaboration with the agriculture department. Assistance from upstream to downstream," explained Bobby.

"Now farmers sell to cooperatives and can directly business to business (B2B). The production is now much better but we want to make it better because Papua is the best coffee. So hopefully Papuan Coffee can be number 1 in the world, both in quality and quantity," he continued.

Papuan culture became the theme in the 2nd IPPP Session, as seen from the cultural appearance at the opening of conferences and banquets to delegates. One of them is the dances from Earth of Cenderawasih.

There were also recipients of guests wearing traditional Papuan clothes, and not a few delegates from the 2nd IPPP Session took pictures with them. Delegation guests also visited the booths of Papuan MSME products.

In addition to presenting the nuances of Papua, the DPR also invited field trip delegates to the Bogor Agricultural Institute or IPB University and Bogor Botanical Gardens on Friday, July 26 yesterday. This activity is one of Indonesia's means of exchanging information and experience to Pacific countries to further explore natural potential.

The Filed trip was led by the Chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) Fadli Zon accompanied by the Deputy Chairperson of BSKAP Putu Supadma Rudana. This visit provides practical insight into innovation, technology, and research in the field of bioscience maritime food which encourages a more prosperous, stable, and sustainable future.

"This feed trip is carried out as an effort to strengthen relations between the Indonesian Parliament and Pacific countries. I think this is a very effective and important form to do," said Fadli Zon.

At IPB, the Chair and parliamentary members of Pacific countries participating in the 2nd IPPP Session visited Science and Techno Park where IPB also focuses on agriculture, food, marine and tropical bioscience attached to the character of Pacific countries.

Fadli said the field trip presented a significant opportunity to explore innovative solutions and strengthen collaborative efforts in these areas. According to him, the delegation was impressed by the innovation of marine products carried out by IPB.

For example, the production of seaweed which is used as lotion and various other derivatives, including bamboo crafts for Tumbler. They have these products that are absorbed by industry and made by industry," he explained.

The heads of parliament who attended and other delegation members were very happy, for them this is called eye opening. Open their eyes that actually a lot can be done. For example, this innovation inspires them," continued Fadli.

The delegates also said they expressed the desire to establish further cooperation with IPB University in the future. With the spirit of international collaboration, said Fadli, innovation at IPB University is expected to have a wider and beneficial positive impact on Indonesia and Pacific countries.

"Parliament cannot work alone, synergy with governments and other stakeholders such as universities as education sectors is also very important," said the member of Commission I of the DPR RI.

Furthermore, the delegation also received an explanation from the Chancellor of IPB Prof. Ari Satria that Science and Techno Park IPB also functions as an incubator for more than 400 start-up companies. The parliament of Pacific countries is not only learning about the production process, but also marketing for the products produced.

"This can strengthen the role of IPB as a bridge between academics and industry. They hope that in the future, Indonesia will provide more scholarships for students from Pacific countries such as Papua New Guinea, Solomon Island, Tonga and others," said Fadli.

IPB itself has now provided scholarships to 8 students from Pacific countries. Fadli appealed to more scholarships to be given to students from the Pacific, given the similarity of history and culture with Indonesia.

Through this collaboration, we hope that relations between Indonesia and Pacific countries will be closer and more productive. I think this is a very effective and important form because it can bridge the formation of mutual understanding between nations," he said.

After leaving the IPB, the IPPP delegation was then invited to visit Kebon Raya Bogor. While enjoying the cool air of the City of Rain, the delegates seemed enthusiastic about traveling around Kebon Raya Bogor to see various plant collections, such as orchid varieties.

According to Fadli Zon, the field trip to Kebon Raya Bogor also opens up opportunities for new cooperation between IPPP member countries. One of them is the development of plant varieties that have the same agroclimat as Pacific areas.

"This is for best practices then it may also open up for other cooperation. After coming to Kebon Raya Bogor, they admit that they have many ideas. For example, in Fiji, they only have three bamboo variations, they want us to help so that more bamboo varieties can be used," said Fadli.

In addition to seeing the Orchid variety, the delegation who attended was also invited to tour Kebon Raya covering an area of 87 hectares, including seeing the Presidential Palace in Kebon Raya Bogor. The delegates themselves were impressed by the hosting of the DPR in holding the 2nd IPPP conference.

From the first time we arrived, we felt very accepted and did not expect that it would be welcomed so well. We appreciate the hospitality of the Indonesian people," said one of the delegates to the 2nd IPPP Session, GloriaGuttenbeil Pole 'o on the sidelines of the event.

Gloria, who is a delegation from the Tongan Parliament, admitted that she wanted to be able to feel in Indonesia for a longer time. He also thanked the DPR for initiating this forum.

"This forum is implemented very perfectly, everything is very good and professional and I congratulate you because the implementation is extraordinary," he explained.

"We learned a lot about protocol and standards in Indonesia, both lawmakers and staff. We will come back again to study and we will adapt and practice it to our country," concluded Gloria.

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