The Attorney General's Office (AGO) is examining two suspects in the alleged corruption case of gold management weighing 109 tons at PT Antam which occurred between 2010 and 2022.

The Head of the AGO, Harli Siregar, said the two suspects were JT and LE.

Their examination is to explore the role of the suspect HN, General Manager of UPBB LM PT Antam for the 2011-2013 period.

"The two witnesses examined by JT and LE are customers of the manufacturing service of the Mulia Metal Processing and Purification Business Unit (UBPP LM) PT Antam Tbk," said Harli in his statement, Monday, July 29.

Not only them, investigators are also examining one other witness, namely FAK, which is the Corporate Secretary Division Head for the 2022 period until now.

However, it was not clearly conveyed about the results of the examination. It is only conveyed if the entire series of examinations is to strengthen the evidence of alleged criminal acts.

"The witness examination was carried out to strengthen the evidence and complete the filing in the case," said Harli.

The AGO revealed a case of alleged corruption in the management of gold commodity business activities from 2010 to 2022. In this case, 109 tons of gold bearing the PT Antam logo were printed illegally.

To date, the AGO has named 13 suspects. Six suspects are the former General Manager of the PT Antam Mulia Metal Management and Purification Business Unit (UB PPLM) from various periods.

Meanwhile, the other seven suspects are customers of the service.

In addition, from the results of the provisional calculations, the value of the state's losses reached Rp1 trillion.

"From the temporary estimate calculated by investigators, but of course it has not been based on expert calculations which we hope can be completed in the near future, it is in the range of Rp. 1 trillion," said Harli.

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