Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi has been transferred to be inspector general (irjen) of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag). The handover of the position will be held today, Monday, July 29, 2024.

"My mutation to the Inspector General (Kemendag), Monday (29 July 2024) I will hand over," said Luthfi Monday, July 29.

Transfer of Inspector General Luthfi is contained in the Telegram Letter of the National Police Chief number ST/1554/VII/KEP./2024 dated July 26, 2024, signed by the Assistant for Human Resources of the National Police for Human Resources Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

Before becoming the irjen of the Ministry of Trade, the Central Java regional police chief was first placed as a regent at the National Police's General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum).

Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi is predicted to be one of the strongest gubernatorial candidates in the 2024 Central Java gubernatorial election. He received support from four political parties, namely Golkar, PAN, Gerindra, and PSI.

To replace Ahmad Luthfi as the head of the Central Java Regional Police, the National Police Chief appointed Brigadier General Ribut Hari Wibowo, who previously served as head of the National Police SSDM Career Development Bureau (karo binkar).

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