MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police have paid attention to the handling of the alleged case of Brigadier MN impregnating a woman with the initials WO from the results of an out-of-marriage love relationship.
"So, yesterday I went to the East Lombok Police, it was (the case of Brigadier MN) in the process. This is the attention of the NTB Police, coincidentally the Head of Propam is new, so it is very much noticed," said Head of Bidhumas Polda NTB Kombes Pol. Rio Indra Lesmana quoted by ANTARA, Friday 26 July.
He conveyed that his party paid attention to the handling of the case seeing that the actions allegedly committed by Brigadier MN had tarnished the good name of the Police.
"He is married, he continues not to want responsibility, it is clear that it is a shame for the National Police institution," he said.
Regarding the sanctions for ethical violations that will be applied to Brigadier MN, Rio said this was under the authority of the Police Code of Ethics Commission.
"What are the sanctions? We will see later from the results of the ethics trial, the heaviest can be fired. PTDH (disrespectful dismissal) can, depending on the trial later," he said.
Rio admitted that he had found a case like this while on duty in Bali. A member of the National Police impregnated an unregistered woman.
From the decision of the Police Code of Ethics Commission, he explained, the member was fired. The ethics commission considered the member's troublesome actions during the trial.
"Because the person concerned during the disciplinary hearing resisted, finally the code of ethics, until his dismissal," he said.
Brigadier MN is a member on duty at the East Lombok Police Detention and Evidence Care Unit (Tahti).
Brigadier MN was initially reported by WO to the Propam Division of the NTB Police. After the title and increasing the status of case handling to the investigation stage, the NTB Police transferred the case to the East Lombok Police.
The delegation consideration saw the area of duty of Brigadier MN with the status of the East Lombok Police Chief as the superior who had the right to punish.
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