Malinau Police, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) handed over files and evidence in the alleged corruption case (P21) of Long Belaka Pitau Village funds, Pojungan District, Malinau Regency to the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Malinau District Attorney.

The Head of the Malinau Police, AKBP Heru Eko Wibowo, through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Malinau Police, Commissioner Adjutant Yuniawan Sujono, revealed that the delegation of corruption cases suspected of involving the village head with the initials LK (40) was a further step for prosecution and trial at the Corruption Court (Tipikor).

"The Head of Village (Village Head) Long Belika Pitau is suspected of committing corruption by making a fictitious village fund accountability report with several activities," he said, Thursday, July 25.

"This activity is in the form of building poor houses, organizing village health posts and procuring solar lights in the realization of Long Belaka Pitau Village funds for the 2020, 2021 and 2022 fiscal years," he continued.

The police said the investigation had been carried out in depth and thoroughly, producing strong evidence against the suspect.

"We have completed the investigation with full accuracy and professionalism. With sufficient evidence, we have delegated this case to the Malinau District Attorney for further legal proceedings," he said.

tip mengatakan, kasus ini terungkap berawal dari laporan masyarakat yang mengsangkai adanya penyalahgunaan dana desa yang seharusnya dialokasikan untuk pembangunan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Long Belika Pitau.

"After an investigation, evidence was found that the funds were misused by the village head. State losses were estimated at IDR 1,110,894,607.60," he explained.

The suspect (LK), charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) Subsidies Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Anti-Corruption Law.

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