JAKARTA - In commemoration of World Water Day, let us remember that humans are more able to survive without eating than without drinking. Without ingesting any food, strong humans last up to three weeks. However, humans can only survive 4-7 days without drinking.

This is because about 50-70% of the human body consists of water. Therefore, everyone needs to protect the water resources on earth. However, the problem that occurs is that many human activities have actually caused a clean water crisis. Starting from the river with waste, dirty seawater, to prolonged drought.

To invite everyone to appreciate water, World Water Day, March 22, 2021, carries the theme of valuing water. The value of water in human life is very high. Water provides benefits in many ways, from food, health, household, education, nature preservation, culture, and so on. Everyone is expected to be able to use water wisely.

Several countries have realized the importance of clean water management. The following countries even guarantee clean water quality by providing tap water that can be consumed directly.


Switzerland is famous as a country that has beautiful nature. The country is crossed by the Alps. The water that comes from these mountains is of good quality.

The availability of water in Switzerland comes from high rainfall and melting ice on the slopes of the mountains. That is what makes water in this country so abundant.

The Swiss government is also working on the availability of clean water seriously. There were waterways along the Rhine and Rhone. There is also the most advanced wastewater treatment technology in Europe, namely ARA Bern.


One of the developed countries in Europe is famous for its clean water. The Norwegian government manages water through a groundwater protection program, namely "The Midgard Snake". The program is driven by the Oslo Department of Water and Wastewater Department.

A tunnel was built by the Norwegian Government for water management. The tunnel with a capacity of 50 thousand cubic meters is used as a storage reservoir and transportation route.

Other functions of the tunnel, among others, are to improve water quality, mitigate the effects of climate change, and save energy use by reducing water management in the country.

New Zealand

New Zealand's iceberg ranges are beneficial for the availability of water in the country. The flow of the melted ice stops and is accommodated in a lake with clear water.

Because it is so clean, the water in the lake can be drunk directly. Many also said that the water that comes out of the tap can also be consumed directly. Looking at the quality of water in the country, it is not surprising that New Zealand is named as the country with the best water in the world.


France is one of the countries that takes water quality seriously. To achieve this mission, the French government is working with the private sector. The program carried out is to keep the bacteria content in tap water low.

To produce freshwater, the method that is done is to enter the compressor into the turbine. These windmills are capable of producing drinking water, even in humid climates.

The tap drinking campaign was also carried out by the French Government. After that, the use of drinking tap water for consumption increased. The quality of the tap water is guaranteed.


The German government is taking serious steps in managing water. This developed country has even issued a Law on the Protection of Natural Resources for a long time.

Most of the clean water in Germany comes from lakes and snow. Just like France, Germans can sip clean water from the tap directly. The German government is obliged to provide good sanitation facilities for the German population. Because of this, the quality of the water available is very good.

The serious efforts of the German Government did not stop there. Descriptive data regarding the content of substances in each tap water is also provided by the country. This was done to make people more confident about the suitability of the water they drink.


The commitment to keep the water clean has been taken by the State of Canada. The government of these countries continues to strive to ensure the quality of water that is consumed by the people.

Decisive steps were even taken by the Government of Canada. The country issued regulations on clean water which must be strictly adhered to. The contents of the regulations start from water preservation, filtering process, to distribution to Canadian residents.

These countries have taken quick steps to save water resources. They are aware that the availability of clean water affects quality human resources. By managing water as well as possible they have prepared themselves for the future.

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