The North Kalimantan Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) appealed to residents to be aware of the high intensity of rain that occurred in the Kaltara region.

Young Expert Disaster Analyst, BPBD Kaltara, Zainuddin revealed, based on estimates from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), that the Kaltara region will continue to experience heavy rain with intensity.

"All areas are prone to flooding, but there are areas that are our main attention, namely those around the Sembakung Watershed and Pansiangan watershed," he said, Tuesday, July 23.

Hulu kedua DAS ini berada di wilayah Sabah Malaysia yang jika turun hujan deras maka wilayah Indonesia yakni Sembakung akan terdampak sangat signifikan.

"Such as rising water levels and having a direct impact on the surrounding community, especially Sembakung District and surrounding villages," said Zainuddin.

"If there is a flood there, we will prepare logistics such as several decades ago to provide logistical assistance as much as 70 tons to Sembakung," he continued.

Then other flood-prone areas are in Malinau Regency, such as in the Tubu and Mentarang River areas. If it rains heavily, the flood can reach Malinau Kota.

"Meanwhile, Bulungan Regency, which is of special concern, is in Wonomomulyo Village. This village has rained several times locally so that the water level is very high, it can even reach 1 meter and a half to 2 meters, submerging the roads," he explained.

"Then the submerged villages are Wonomulyo Village and Sajau Village for at least 1 to 2 days," he continued.

For Tarakan City, flood-prone areas are located on Jalan RE. Martadinata area of the Ilyas Tarakan Naval Hospital (RSAL) and Jalan Mulawarman, in the Karang Anyar area and Bugis Village.

Therefore, the Kaltara BPBD urges the public to carry out disaster mitigation starting from themselves, residents and the community. The easiest way to do this is when it rains, pay attention to electrical equipment that is prone to flooding so that it is immediately turned off and dispose of garbage in the trash.

"The people of Kaltara are expected to remain alert to the final rain", he said.

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